En redes sociales reportaron una terrible imagen donde un grupo afganos se aferra a un avión de la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos minutos antes de despegar del Aeropuerto Internacional de Kabul.
En el video, un grupo de personas rodeó la aeronave pese a que estaba en movimiento previo para partir.
Segundos después, dos objetos se ven caer del avión. Testigos aseguran que se tratan de dos hombres.
Social media video shows 2 young men were dropped out of reportedly a US black color transportation plane, just after take off from Kabul airport,both of them died after crashing into d ground. Several eyewitnesses in d video claim they saw d victims being dropped from d plane.
— Baber Khan Sahel (@BaberkhanSahel) August 16, 2021
This is the situation in Kabul airport! pic.twitter.com/f3kqAxJgCr
— Baber Khan Sahel (@BaberkhanSahel) August 16, 2021
BREAKING: At least 2 people fall to their death after holding on to a plane as it takes off from Kabul Airport https://t.co/m7XU8lwo5S
— BNO News (@BNONews) August 16, 2021
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